Thursday, August 9, 2012

it is all in the details

I love blogs that post a picture a day (Susan Love). I think it is so interesting to get that glimpse into the life of America. I however have never had the dedication to do it or frankly ever thought I had enough interesting things going on to hold readers interest. Until now that is :) As many of you already know We are hosting an Exchange student from China for the upcoming school year. We want to remember this year so that we can share all of the experiences that are to come with the Sophia and Amelia. Being that they are just five and three we know their memories of this time will fade.
For me it is all in the details
I want to remember the little things that happen. The things we often forget but that make up the whole of the experience.

I thought that since I have so many friends with kids from China that just maybe you all would be interested too. So  each day I am going to share a tidbit of our experience with her. Let me catch you all up to almost one week with an exchange student.
She is from Nanchang, Jiangxi China (and we asked if we were pronouncing it correctly and she said yes,Thanks Zhou :) the proper pronunciation is like this NAN (like the beginning of Nancy) CHANG (but like CHUNG) and Jinagxi is like JIANG (ZHUNG- the ZH kind of has a J and z blended sound) XI is like SHE).
 She is 16 years old and will be a Junior in our local High School.
 Her name is Zhou WenJun her English name is Sophie...
She arrived VERY! late on Friday Aug 3rd (really it was VERY early Sat. Aug 4th). The Jet lag was intense as anyone who has traveled to China and back knows it takes a while to come out of that Fog.
Sophie's all of these things
a typical teenager girl (she loves make up,technology, music,movies,food,sleep)

we have learned so much already from her about China and about America through the eyes of a Chinese teenager. I can't wait to share what we have learned and what is to come.

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