Thursday, June 30, 2011

10 months and 10 inches

Life with 2 kids under 4 is full of joy and wonderful moments that we as parents cherish. Snuggle time in the morning or reading a book over and over again to an excited child. Laughing and playing princess and pirates. Celebrations and memories made over and over again.All good times..

not such a good time neglecting yourself and your hair for 10 months.
I needed a pick me up
and when I went in to get my hair cut I told Paul cut it off. I want something different something people will notice, most times when I get my haircut no one even realize it. So this time I wanted change and think that after 10 months since my last hair cut (it was just before we went to china for Amelia) it was way past time.
Paul said well if I cut 10 inches off I can send it to Locks of Love. Of course I said "What is 10 inches" he looked at me and said "You don't know what 10 inches looks like?" "Should I call Riz" the conversation digressed from there and we had a good laugh. The end result was me saying "go ahead lets do it, take off 10 inches, it is only hair it will grow back"

Let me say 10 inches is BIG lots of hair. But now someone will have a curly wig that needs it and I Got my pick me up. Oh I also washed the gray right out of my hair too :)

What do you think? is is to short? It is WAY shorter then I intended or that I am used too but it was for a good cause. and it did not hurt that John and Paul plowed me with wine before I got in the chair LOL......