Friday, August 26, 2011

School days

Sophia returns to school and Amelia has her very first day of school...
They are both very excited

Sophia was saying "SCHOOL" in these pictures and trying to get her sister to cooperate...

 they have such a sister bond, it is very sweet.
 Love the hands on the hips
 I am not sure why they were bending over
 and they were gone ...LOL
 on our way
 The school is adding a new group of classrooms
 one side of Sophia's classroom
 and the other side
The Montessori classroom is such a beautiful learning environment.
 Sophia was the first one there and she went right to work.
 Amelia loved all the books
 while we waited to go into class. Amelia and I had a bit of reading time.
 Amelia's classroom
 snack time and meal time is a really beautiful thing a ritual really
Amelia's friend Noah wanted to sit right next to her for snack time.
So sweet.
Amelia and Ms. Helen,her teacher.


  1. love your school pics! sadena is loving school too!

  2. Love that they love do LK&E. It makes life so much easier! It's amazing how much they learn and change, isn't it?
